Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Primal family?

A primal family for one week! I am really excited!  My husband and two children have committed to give up sugar and white stuff (flour, white rice etc, pasta and cereal) for a week!  I have been eating this way for a year and 4 months!  I occassionally sneak in a "primal" meal here and there for the whole family.  However, it has been mostly Mom's meals and the rest of the family's meals.   I often cook completely separate meals for myself, while they all eat pasta, ice cream and the like.

So I am sure you are wondering "How did this happen?"  Our family often participates in a week of "corporate" prayer, fasting and setting time apart to be with God.  We do this with our church family every time there is a month with 5 weeks or 5 Sunday's.  My husband and I will typically fast from food completely or do a "Daniel Fast" together.  As a family, we do a media/technology fast together. A media fast entails: no television,  no video games, and no social media   We have never asked the kids to fast from food, because it is not healthy for them at a young age.  So as we are entering into the fifth week of April, everyone agreed on the media and technology fast.  I posed the question to them all about all of them going "primal" for a week.  I honestly expected a lot of strife from them at the suggestion!  My girls love their sugary cereals and sweet treats.  My husband's main food staple are  bagels and pasta.  I was completely shocked when all three of them quickly responded with YES!   We have been talking about it for a few weeks and tomorrow is the big day! 

I haven't gone grocery shopping yet to fill their bellies up for a whole week.  However, I was able to come up with some meals for tomorrow until I can get to the grocery store.  I packed up hubby's lunch bag up with: grain free apple pancakes (almond/coconut flour), paleo trail mix bag,  grapes, apples, carrots/cukes, yogurt and swisss cheese (they are not giving up dairy).  He is a little nervous about not having a bagel for his drive in to the office.  My girls will have several choices of fruit, yogurt, grain free pancakes or a yo nanna "ice cream" for breakfast, until I can get to the store.

My plan for the week is to make some really awesome dinners, that hubby can pack up and bring to lunch the next day.  We are going to have a grass fed pot roast with all the trimmings except white potatoes, beef stir fry with califlower rice, chili, cabbage rolls with burger/sauce and stuff (I think they are pronounced glump-kees),chicken and spaggetti made out of spaggetti squash, roasted chicken with all the trimmings, chicken parm (without breading) and a grain free pizza (crust made with almond and coconut flour).   Our other foods will include things like: zucchini chips, tons of veggies cooked in variety of ways or raw, tons of fruits, nitrate free bacon, farm eggs, grain free crepes, meat and cheese rolls, yogurt without added sugar, homemade applesauce with no sugar, homemade glucamole, paleo trail mix, paleo granola, paleo energy bars and much more.

I am really happy that they are all willing to try to make it an entire week without thier beloved sugar and white stuff.  I am sure we will all be tested in our patience and ability to abstain from tempation!  I am obviously hoping that I can convince them to stay relatively grain and sugar free even after we are done with the actual fast. Oh, how I wonder how my kids will survive!

We will also be fasting from all media and most of technology.  I will be abstaining from most technology.  However,  I will be randomly posting on the Hiit and Run face book page just to keep you all informed of our family progress!

Do you think your family could do this for a week?  I am not sure mine can!  However, we are going to give it our best shot! Do you want to join us?

So wish me luck! I will periodically check in this week to see how everyone is doing!

Until next time -
Lumy out!

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