Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 6 Primal Family Conversion

Yippee! My husband is SOLD OUT on eating a grain free/sugar free life!  I am so thrilled! He said today was the best he has felt in a very long time! I feel like I have a partner now in this particular journey. My girls are not as thrilled about the prospect of a long term sugar/grain free lifestyle.  My youngest child (almost 5) is doing  pretty well with all the changes, but follows her sister's lead in excitement.  My oldest child (11) seems to have a deeply addicted hold on sugar and grain.  She refused to try the No Pasta Lasagna and mostly consumed salad during dinner the last two nights.  I am not sure where to go with her.  I obviously don't want to be so super obsessive that it pushes her way completely from this lifestyle change. I do feel motivated to continue this journey with them, even if it is not 100% devotion to it.  We explained to both girls today that living this primal lifestyle will be difficult.  We conceded to the fact that they will be allowed to eat one sugary treat each day and during special occasions.  I will slowly try to ween them off that without their direct knowledge.  Today was the last day of the "official" fast.  Not sure what tomorrow will bring!

Day 6
Breakfast: Banana/Egg Crepes (4 eggs, 1 ripe banana mushed well, Cinnamon, vanilla), blueberries, bacon
Snack: apples with nut butter
Lunch: Roast Beef and Swiss Rolls, cukes and carrots with garlic hummus
Snack: oranges and trail mix
Dinner: Left over No Pasta Lasagna, tossed salad
Snack: full fat yogurt (sugar free)

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