Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 5 Primal Family Conversion

Sickness still lingers in my house.  Sickness is preventing a full commitment by my children to this "conversion" process.  It has been a little disheartening to say the least.  However, my husband seems to be on board for long term lifestyle change at this point.  He did ask me an interesting question today though. "Why? Why should I change and make this a long term lifestyle change? What benefits should I expect from giving up sugar and grains?"  I started to quickly respond with listing all the benefits, however I soon realized that the benefits were MY reasons why I do what I do.  The benefits I have experienced doing a Low Carb version of Primal/Paleo have been endless.  First and foremost, I am a cancer survivor, so keeping my body's environment free of  sugar is beneficial to prevent a recurrence of my cancer.  My health benefits have been significant, including: significant reduction in my blood pressure, decreased migraines, diminished symptoms of IBS, diverticulitis, significant weight loss and fibromyalgia.

 However, my reasons can not be HIS reasons.  He is a very healthy and active 50 year old, who has never had high blood pressure, weight problems. or  any significant health issues.  He has always been very active and in very good shape even while eating tons of carbs and sugar.  So why should he give these things up and will it change his health for the better?  I was actually hesitant to answer, because honestly I did not know the answer.   I scoured the Internet for some answers.  The biggest reason for him to maintain this lifestyle is PREVENTION.  Eating a lower carb, higher good fat and good protein diet can help prevent the development of high blood pressure and cancers.  There is also evidence that he won't be as "foggy brained", distracted, have less of the aches that come with ageing and less tired from sugar crashes.   He seems satisfied with these answers for now and is willing to give it a solid effort for the long haul! Yeah!  I am so happy that he is finally on board with my lifestyle changes.

Day 5 Meals:

Breakfast: Raspberry, Banana Protein smoothie with coconut milk and whole milk
Snack: Homemade trail mix (every type of seed and nut I could throw in)
Lunch: Burger with no bun, salad and orange
Snack: Orange
Dinner: No Pasta Lasagna (cabbage leaves and zucchini slices replaced the lasagna noodles, and the rest of Lasagna made in typical way) and spinach/tomatoe salad
Snack: Sweet potato fries, cukes with ranch dressing

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