Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 4 Primal Family Conversion

Day 4:
Well today was a little disappointing.  My youngest daughter is feeling fine, but my oldest is still down for the count with a high fever.  We took a trip to the doctor's office early this morning.  I thought our doctor was going to have a stroke when my daughter told her she was fasting.  I had to quickly explain that it wasn't a full fast, just sugar and grains, before she reamed me out!   After examining her and determining that it was just a virus, Gatorade and cereal were her prescription!  Upon hearing the prescription, my daughter promptly hugged the doctor!  So one member of our family is officially off the sugar and grain fast for the time being.  I understand the reasoning on one hand, but on the other hand feel as though putting poison crap in her body isn't going to make her virus go away! I did relent, however.  If anything was accomplished in this half week of no sugar and no processed grains, it was to realize that at least one member of my family is truly addicted to the stuff!  

Breakfast: "chocolate" nut butter and banana milk shake, peaches
Snack: No sugar all natural fruit leather
Lunch: Baked Potato, Bacon, Cheese (*we are consuming dairy in experiment), whole milk
Snack: Fruit Salad and Carrots
Dinner: Home made Chili and full fat cheddar cheese (*we are consuming dairy in experiment), tossed salad and orange juice
Snack: Peaches

As I am typing out our meals, I am realizing that it appears that there are large quantities of fruit each day.  As a disclaimer, I would like to add that I am not personally consuming this much fruit or white potatoes.  As my goal is continued weight loss and decreased sugar in general, I limit my fruit intake.  So if you are partaking in these menus for yourself for weight loss, these may not be the best examples.   These menus are specifically for my children and husband, none of whom need to lose any weight.  My main goal for this week is to decrease their dependence of processed  sugar and grains.

*Oldest daughter also consumed Large bottle of Gatorade, 2 bowls of Krave cereal and whole milk (not part of the sugar and grain fast)

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